Alice invites Wandsworth based community groups to come learn and share ideas about fundraising with supporters.
We’ll work together to develop and explore how to get donations by growing our supporter networks and asking supporters for help.
Sign up by emailing Alice@wandcareall.org.uk to be invited to these monthly online drop-ins and grow your unrestricted income!
What the meetings will be like?
Using a topic to start, we’ll share useful information on areas like:
- Designing seasonal appeals/campaigns
- Product fundraising
- Regular giving
- Donation tins and street fundraising
- Email asks
- Major donor pipelines
- Legacy gifts
- Gift aid
And more. We will share best practice information and some handy links and guides.
For the next 40minutes of the call we will discuss our experiences, what works, and what doesn’t work in fundraising.
We’ll use the benefits of a peer network to build confidence to make challenging asks and learn from each other.
What’s expected of members?
- Membership is free
- Members can come and go inside the meetings
- There is no requirement to attend every meeting
- Our intention is to support each other
- We aim to show up in solidarity to build confidence and skills
- We will send you short feedback forms to make our meetings better
We invite members of different experience levels and will occasionally invite guests to speak as requested.
Why do individual giving fundraising for your cause?
Individual Giving is one of the most rewarding ways to grow unrestricted income and build a loyal base of supporters to keep your organisation sustainable into the future.
*Unrestricted income is money that isn’t conditional to a project or contract, and can be spent on anything needed to run the organisation like tech, administration, buildings etc.
We all know that grant funds can be unstable. The way many charitable organisations get around this is by having diverse and creative ways of making money. This helps them invest into things that grants won’t cover, but also, many funders now want to know that the organisation has other ways of securing money before awarding them money.
Not only does this money bring support to the organisation and look good to funders, but it also does something even more important: it builds loyal relationships with people.
People who could be supporters are often people who benefit from your services, professionals who work in a related industry, and/or powerful people who really care about the problem you’re trying to solve.
By asking people for money, however small the amount, they invest in your cause and are more likely to back you up in other ways like coming to events, signing petitions, joining rallies, or sending you ideas/feedback.
It’s a slower way of making money but very rewarding, and you can do it with little effort to build up over time and practice.
About your host
Alice has 6years experience working with individual giving fundraising for big national charities like the Scouts and NSPCC, (working on £multimillion budgets and 5year growth plans), and a couple of smaller charities too.
After starting my own businesses as a freelance marketer and a massage therapist, I know what it takes to work independently, and as part of a high performing team too.
My approach to coaching is to listen with sensitivity and reflect the smoothest ways to get the job done without pressure or unnecessary complications.
We all want to do our work well but also live with joy and lightness – I hope for these calls to be uplifting environments where we can put the fun in FUNdraising.
It’s a corny saying, but in my experience its liberating to learn to ask for money with confidence.