We have made a checklist for organisations that want to transition back to working from the office and do so in a safe way.
Download the checklist here: Returning to the Office
BHIB Charities Insurance have created a ‘Charity Reopening Checklist’ and a ‘General Workplace Risk Assessment’ which you could find usefull as well. They are available here:
The Checlist:
Risk assessment
What it involves:
Carry out a formal risk assessment
Consult with trustees, staff and volunteers
Share the result of risk assessment with staff and volunteers
Further guidance: Use HSE guidance and templates: https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple-health-safety/risk/index.htm
Put cleaning and handwashing procedures in place
Provide hand sanitiser and hand drying facilities
Establish cleaning routines for busy areas
Further guidance: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/working-safely-during-coronavirus-covid-19
Consider needs of individual staff and volunteers and make an individual plan
In particular those shielding, those caring for someone who is shielding
Those with school age children not in school, those in vulnerable groups
Those who must use public transport to arrive at work
Further guidance: https://croner.co.uk/resources/business-advice/coronavirus-qa-advice-for-employers/
Social distancing for staff and users
Signs to remind people – including in other languages if appropriate:
One way flows
No desk sharing
Review waiting / reception areas
Floor tape to mark out areas
Visitors by appointment only
Further guidance: https://knowhow.ncvo.org.uk/coronavirus/protecting-your-staff-volunteers-and-beneficiaries#section-3
Other measures
Put staff in fixed “teams” to minimise contact
Bring staff in on “shifts” eg 2 days/week or alternate weeks – otherwise continue working at home
Reduce length of time of any face to face activities
Stagger arrival and departure times
Review how activities are carried out
Have you checked your insurance?
Have you reviewed your sick leave policy?
Do you have a policy for those self isolating?
Further guidance: http://www.trust.org/trustlaw/coronavirus/
Have you been in touch with your funders to discuss expectations and sensible adjustments?
Have you a contingency plan to deal with shortfalls in funding including a policy for making staff redundant and a closure policy?
Further guidance: https://knowhow.ncvo.org.uk/coronavirus/contingency-planning-and-financial-implications#section-5
Are trustees appropriately involved in decision making and risk assessment?
Further guidance: https://blogs.ncvo.org.uk/2020/03/17/coronavirus-and-governance-what-charity-trustees-need-to-think-about/