The cost-of-living crisis has become a huge worry for individuals and families across the UK. The rising cost of energy and everyday expenses such as food has been having an impact nationally as well as locally.
The burden of maintaining a decent standard of living seems to be becoming more daunting each day. There are also huge concerns about how the crisis is impacting people’s mental and physical health.
At Wandsworth Care Alliance we have been investigating the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis on the local community and how it’s been impacting them since 2022. The aim of our report was to gain insights into how it is impacting people’s mental health, physical health, lifestyle, and financial status. We conducted a survey in which 165 people took part in and from that we found that 14% of people were concerned about food costs and 22% were negatively thinking about the future.
People who are most vulnerable whether due to physical health, mental illness or financial status have been the most affected by the cost-of-living crisis so far. One response from a survey participant was “Through my work at Wandsworth food bank, I am speaking with people who are badly affected by the cost of living crisis every day and hearing about how it is troubling their mental and physical health due to a lack of money for essentials such as food, gas and electrics.”
Read the latest report here and discover more about what we investigated and found.
What is next?
Recently Wandsworth Council announced a council tax freeze which means for Wandsworth residents they will pay the lowest council tax in the country. The council is also increasing it’s cost of living support package to £15 million. You can find out more information on this here.
There is also a wide range of support and advice available on Wandsworth cost of living hub and a free helpline available too.
Healthwatch England conducted a survey indicating that a considerable portion of respondents struggle to afford essential healthcare expenses such as medications, dental care, and transportation to medical appointments.
Read more here.
Free gym and Swim Scheme: Residents are reminded that more people are now eligible for free gym and swimming sessions at council leisure and sports centres. Young people who are on free school meals can receive free sports activities and swimming and adults who are on certain benefits are also able to get access to the gym. Learn more and see if you’re eligible for the free gym and swim scheme.
Talk Wandsworth: Wandsworth offer various mental health services one of which is called Talk Wandsworth. They provide free confidential talking therapies for people over the age of 18 for problems such as stress, worry and low mood. You can refer yourself or be referred by a healthcare professional. Learn more here.
Wandsworth food bank: If you’re unable to cover food and essentials Wandsworth food bank is available, find out more information here.
Family Action
Family Action transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country. They help strengthen families and communities, build skills and resilience, and improve the life chances of everyone they work with. Family Action work to tackle some complex and difficult issues families are facing such as financial hardship, mental health problems, social isolation, learning disabilities, domestic abuse, substance abuse and alcohol problems.
With our findings from the cost-of-living report we found that 14% of participants were concerned about the increase of food costs. “I have to buy less, eat less. I look for the reduced-price items in the shop and have smaller quantities and eat what I can afford.” Approximately 57% of the participants said the cost of everything (particularly household bills) has increased and they are struggling to buy necessities. One participant shared they had gone into debt for the first time as a result. Family Action carries out vital work to help families, they have two services which aim to provide quality discounted food for families and another to ensure young people have access to healthy breakfasts they need to thrive at school. They also help with mental health support by offering a free family line which allows parents/carers to talk through the pressures they are facing in confidence. Family Action always need volunteers and donations to deliver their vital work.
Events in the area:
Enable Community – Warm Hub
Enable community are running a free hub where you’re able to come into a safe warm space at Wandsworth Council’s Community Hubs.
Richmond Women’s hub
This event is to help empower women to thrive. It will allow women to connect with other women and take part in free activities.
Do you have more resources to share on this article on the cost of living? Email communications@wandcareall.org.uk so we can share resources and support one another.