Welcome to our list of networks and forums in the voluntary sector.
Voluntary Sector Forum
Your forum to share news from the third sector, learn about local opportunities and network with like minded people in Wandsworth.
Check for upcoming events here.

Volunteer Involving Organisations
Discussing volunteering, challenges, recruitment and retention and more.
Check for upcoming events here.

Children and young people’s forum
Open to organisations that offer services to children, young people and families. An opportunity to get advice, discuss ideas, learn about recent developments and discuss topics. To join the list please email ravi@wandcareall.org.uk

Older People’s Alliance
Discussing issues affecting older people and solutions to challenges you’re finding. To join the list please email ravi@wandcareall.org.uk

Health and Wellbeing Board Engagement Group
This is a local partnership which brings together key
leaders from the Council, local GPs, the Integrated Care Board (responsible for
commissioning and overseeing health services) and the voluntary sector.
The Board meets 4 times each year, with more information, including dates of coming meetings, information on Board Members, previous agendas, minutes and the strategies that inform the Board all available on the council website.
Check for upcoming events here.

Brand and Media Group Mentoring
A chance to talk through all things brand and messaging. Make designs, build your brand, and we’ll hold each other accountable for our goals in a friendly, supportive monthly online call.
1hr, Second Tuesday every month at 12pm – email alice@wandcareall.org.uk to be added to the invite.

Fundraising with Supporters Group Mentoring
A drop-in call to discuss fundraising with individuals. We come together to discuss what fundraising campaigns are, how to attract supporters, get gifts, and make donors feel appreciated to grow your income naturally.
1hr, Third Tuesday every month at 12pm – email alice@wandcareall.org.uk to be added to the invite.