Modern Slavery Awareness Training (online) – 23rd Feb, 2:30 to 4pm – Bookings are via TPD Code ASC-0223-T005 http://s4s.wandsworth.gov.uk/T193385
The purpose of this 90-min webinar is to provide an overview of what Modern Slavery is, the different forms, what signs to look for, what to do if you suspect modern slavery, and what support is offered to survivors. Modern slavery comes in a variety of different forms and is the fastest growing illegal activity in the world and can be extremely difficult to detect—knowing about modern slavery and being able to make the right calls is therefore vital to the prevention of this horrific crime and to ensuring that survivors know their rights and can access support.
Half-Day Modern Slavery Awareness Training (in person Wandsworth Professional Development Centre) – 26th April, afternoon – Bookings are via TPD Code ASC-0423-T002 http://s4s.wandsworth.gov.uk/T193386
This 4-hour course provides delegates with key information about the scale and nature of modern slavery internationally and in the UK. It aims to highlight different trafficking patterns, the varying forms of modern slavery, and how to spot the signs and identify if someone is experiencing or is at risk of modern slavery, as well as what to do next. During the course, delegates will be able to look at real life case studies of survivors in order to learn how to identify the common needs and barriers to disclosure. We provide this information considering relevant legislation, such as the Modern Slavery Act 2015, National Referral Mechanism, and ECAT (the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings).
Any issues with booking via TPD to be referred to tdservice@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk