Mental health is an incredibly important topic. Encouraging children and young people to think about their mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age. As parents and carers, there are ways you can support children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. It’s important to learn how to spot the signs when children are struggling and learn how to help them have good mental health. It is equally important to have good self-care tools as a parent/carer to look after your own mental health while caring for others.
Signs to look out for:
-Significant changes in behaviour, attitude, and mood
-Withdrawal from social situations and not wanting to do things they usually like
-Self-harm or neglecting themselves
-Ongoing difficulty with sleeping
Kooth is a great organisation that offers digital mental health support. They believe every young person has the right to thrive and access high quality mental health care. Their platform addresses various mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress, offering a safe space for young individuals to seek help and guidance. Kooth PLC also offers self-help ideas and tools to empower young people to manage their mental well-being.
Learn more.
Keeping Families Together –Free night line service for parents and carers to support parents and carers who may need guidance or feel overwhelmed and need someone to talk to.
Youth social prescribing clinic – Discover how this clinic empowers young people to take control of their well-being.
Learn more.
Young Minds – They support the mental health and well-being of children and young people. They provide a wide range of services and resources, including online information and advice, helplines for both young people and parents. Their goal is to ensure that every young person gets the support they need to thrive mentally and emotionally.
Learn more.
Black Minds Matter – They work with young people and their communities across the London Borough of Wandsworth to improve Mental Health awareness, access and action.
Learn more.
Children and Young People’s Network Event – Come along to discuss, connect, collaborate, and champion the well-being of youngest community members. The topic of discussion will be violence and abuse against children and young people.
Get your free ticket and sign up today.
WCA Community Events – Keep an eye out for any events happening in the local area.
Find out more.
If you have any questions or resources to include in this article please contact