Take advantage of the South West London (SWL) NHS race and ethnicity in the work place research and get free access to the innovative online tools from Flair. The SWL Integrated Care Board (ICB) has commissioned 15,000 responses to a Flair questionnaire to really understand what staff’s experiences around racism are within health and social care work places in South West London.
They want to open that up to voluntary sector organisations for free. You only need to submit an Expression of interest (form attached below) to susan.emina@swlondon.nhs.uk by 17th May 2024 and identify a lead person within your group who will follow up on any findings.
By taking part, you will be able to receive a personalised report on what is happening within your own organisation, have the opportunity to discuss the findings with the local SWL ICB lead and decide on an action if needed. You will also be able to compare your findings with the data from the wider system.
The data collected across the system is anonymised before being given to the ICS for the wider report.
A webinar will be organised for all the organisations that expressed interest in taking part to provide more details and answer any questions you might have.