You are invited to attend a demonstration of the new Low Income Family Tracker (LIFT) dashboard developed by Policy in Practice. The dashboard provides with up to date information on our most vulnerable households providing a geographical picture of vulnerabilities across our Borough and allows us to drill down to ward and household level.
LIFT has been successfully used by a number of other local authorities to help direct resources to provide support to those households that need it most. This includes directing funding through the Household Support Fund, informing proactive engagement with households to help improve their financial resilience and undertaking proactive campaigns to target households who are eligible for benefits that they are not currently receiving.
More information on the LIFT can be found here: https://policyinpractice.co.uk/low-income-family-tracker/
Whilst the LIFT dashboard currently includes only Council data, we acknowledge that our voluntary sector partners hold a wealth of data about our vulnerable households. We are hoping that as many of you as possible will attend the session to see what the LIFT dashboard does, how it might help inform what the Council does and how it works in partnership with you. The data might also help inform the work that you do and we are keen to hear your thoughts.
This meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd May at 2pm and on Microsoft Teams
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 387 215 314 168
Passcode: SBkCtf