To be effective in tackling health inequalities we must not just react to illness but also prevent illness by helping people to live well and stay well. Some people may struggle to access welfare and legal advice, (particularly those belonging to less advantaged groups).
People need a good standard of living and protected rights to stay healthy.
WCA are programme managing the Health Inequalities Fund to allocate funds to voluntary sector projects in Wandsworth and create a steering group to deepen conversation about this issue and address barriers to accessing local services. Project delivery will run from March 2024 – March 2025.
What groups are we working with that experience health inequalities?
Organisations who work with the community in the following 6 theme groups are being invited to collaborate and join the following project information sessions.
19th February – 11:00-12:00 Unpaid/young carers project – RSVP
19th February – 14:00-15:00 Learning difficulties/autism project – RSVP
20th February – 11:00-12:00 Black/Asian/Global majority ethnic project – RSVP
20th February – 14:00-15:00 LGBTQIA+ project – RSVP
21st February – 14:00-15:00 Asylum seekers and refugees project – RSVP
22nd February – 14:00-15:00 Socially isolated people project – RSVP
Is there funding available to support the projects?
Funding may be available to support people with activity addressing these issues at the discretion of the lead organisations who will be organising an engagement group in March 2024.
Could you be a project lead?
Do you believe your organisation is a leading voice in Wandsworth on engaging people in one of these 6 key themes? You could be a project lead and access funding support from £10k-£80k.
Project leads will receive a fund and a programme manager for development support.
We are taking project proposals for 6 project leads (1 per theme) in the voluntary sector from 5th February – 29th February.
What’s the expectation for health inequalities project leads?
These projects must build on insight (from existing work with one of the above themes in the community) but we also expect you to propose a new approach to work and activity to engage people in welfare support and legal advice.
You must be prepared to engage other organisations in the delivery of this work at steering group meetings.
You must agree reporting requirements and accommodate external evaluation at the end of the project.
How to apply to be project lead
Register your interest by emailing communications@wandcareall.org.uk
We will be in touch with more information.
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